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Italiensk ..per te farei di tutto..
..buongiorno amore, sappi che io ti amo e voglio sposarti, LUCA ti scrivo questo in arabo per fare colpo su di te, ciao piccolo!
(il nome non è da tradurre, voglio fare colpo su un ragazzo che parla l'arabo..o meglio, è di origini marocchine, sa l'italiano, ma voglio fargli capire che lo penso e per lui sono disposta a imparare l'arabo, grazie)

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Engelsk Good morning my love
Arabisk ... لأجلك قد أفعل كلّ شيء...
Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
Russisk прив Привет, надеюсь я не помешала тебе своим...
Привет, надеюсь я не помешала тебе своим письмом. Я вижу, что ты красивый мужчина, мне было бы приятно познакомиться с тобой. Ты мне понравился, мне хочется с тобой общаться. Думаю ты будешь не против? Меня зовут Саша, я из России. Надеюсь на твой ответ.

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Engelsk Hello, I hope I didn't bother you with my...
Italiensk Ciao, spero di..
Engelsk Foucault, by a movement which he calls...
Foucault, by a movement which he calls "reversal", overturns many of our assumptions on madness and shows how madness was actually created by the practice of internment in so far as, according to him, not only did internment actually enable "sane" society to define what was to be regarded as "insane" and "sub-human", but it also created the conditions in which "madness" could come into being, by relegating the alleged madmen in conditions which could have driven anybody insane.
About "madness and civilization" and "the birth of the clinic" by Michel Foucault

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Italiensk Teoria Foucault.
Engelsk Homepage for website
Welcome to Language-Exchange...

The aim of our site is to provide you with a good language-learning experience. The concept behind our site is that the more time you put in, the more you will get out. By this system of everyone contributing and everyone gaining, we hope to keep Language-Exchange's services completely free for everybody!

Some of the services we hope to get up and running soon are:

1. Notes - These are just to help you get the basics in the language you are learning.

2. Pen-pals - If you already have a basic knowledge of the language, you can practise by finding an online pen-pal, and practising with him/her by email or instant messaging. As both pen-pals practise their second language, both will benefit.

3. Online classes - We hope to eventually have scheduled online classes which people can sign up for (free of course). Teachers will post notes and members can ask questions.

You can go to the forum (where all these amazing things are happening) by clicking here.

Remember, you can help us get more members by recommending us to family and friends!

We are always looking for people to help!

If you would like to contribute as a teacher or translator, please fill out the form below.

This form is only for people who would like to become staff members. To register only as a member please go to our forum. You must be registered on our forum before you can register as a staff member.
This is just for a language-learning website. Please help :)

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Spansk Página de inicio
Italiensk Homepage di un sito web
Tysk Hauptseite für Website
Bosnisk Draga moja, nadam se da si dobro i zdravo. Kako...
Draga moja,
nadam se da si dobro i zdravo.
Kako su tvoji?Kako idu pripreme za vjencanje?
Nada se da cemo se ubrzo vidjeti,
veliki pozdrav i pusa,
tvoja Mia

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Engelsk My dear...
Italiensk Mio caro..
Italiensk A che ora si sveglia ella?
A che ora si sveglia ella?
dialetto inglese: inghilterra
ho un dubbio. si dice what time does she wake up? o i miei ricordi di inglese sono un po' annebbiati? grazie per l'aiuto!

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Engelsk What time does she wake up?
Engelsk If you speak English and are learning another...
French Speakers
If you speak French and are learning another language, post here.
This is 'post' as in post a reply on a forum, not as in post mail.
NOTE: Please change 'French' to 'German' when translating to German, and to 'Spanish' when translating to Spanish etc. both times the word 'French' occurs.

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Fransk Si vous êtes francophone ...
Spansk Si ustedes hablan español...
Tysk Deutsch Sprechende
Italiensk italiano
Engelsk Corinna's Going A-Maying
Get up, get up for shame! the blooming morn
Upon her wings presents the god unshorn.
See how Aurora throws her fair
Fresh-quilted colours through the air!
Get up, sweet slug-a-bed, and see
The dew bespangled herb and tree.
Each flower has wept and bowed toward the east
Above an hour since, -yet you not dressed;
Nay! not so much as out of bed?
When all the birds have matins said
And sung their thankful hymns, 'tis sin -
Nay, profanation -to keep in,
Whenas a thousand virgins on this day
Spring sooner than the lark, to fetch in May.

Rise, and put on your foliage, and be seen
To come forth, like the springtime, fresh and green
And sweet as Flora. Take no care
For jewels for your gown or hair:
Fear not, the leaves will strew
Gems in abundance upon you:
Besides, the childhood of the day has kept,
Against you come, some orient pearls unwept.
Come, and receive them while the light
Hangs on the dew-locks of the night:
And Titan on the eastern hill
Retires himself, or else stands still
Till you come forth. Wash, dress, be brief in praying:
Few beads are best when once we go a-Maying.

Come, my Corinna, come; and coming, mark
How each field turns a street, each street a park
Made green and trimmed with trees! See how
Devotion gives each house a bough
Or branch! Each porch, each door, ere this
An ark, a tabernacle is,
Made up of whitethorn neatly interwove,
As if here were those cooler shades of love.
Can such delights be in the street
And open fields and we not see 't?
Come, we'll abroad; and let's obey
The proclamation made for May,
And sin no more, as we have done, by staying;
But, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying.

There's not a budding boy or girl this day
But is got up and gone to bring in May.
A deal of youth, ere this, is come
Back, and with whitethorn laden, home.
Some have dispatched their cakes and cream,
Before that we have left to dream;
And some have wept and wooed and plighted troth,
And chose their priest, ere we can cast off sloth:
Many a green-gown has been given,
Many a kiss, both odd and even;
Many a glance too has been sent
From out the eye, love's firmament;
Many a jest told of the key's betraying
This night, and locks picked: yet we're not a-Maying!

Come, let us go while we are in our prime,
And take the harmless folly of the time!
We shall grow old apace, and die
Before we know our liberty.
Our life is short, and our days run
As fast away as does the sun;
And, as a vapour or a drop of rain,
Once lost can ne'er be found again;
So when or you or I are made
A fable, song, or fleeting shade,
All love, all liking, all delight
Lies drowned with us in endless night.
Then while time serves, and we are but decaying,
Come, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying!
A poetry of Robert Herrick


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Italiensk Corinna sta andando verso Maggio
Engelsk a quotation
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.

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Serbisk Ne brini sto imas poteskoce u Matematici. Uveravam te da su moje poteskoce vece.
Nederlansk Een Citaat
Italiensk una citazione
Engelsk Hallo Daniel, We unpacked the furniture,...
Hallo Daniel,

We unpacked the furniture, almost everything was delivered in good condition, still some deficiencies were found out:

- edge of the table top Riff.1 is broken off though the packing is intacted;
- cover of the wardrobe's back panel is cracked;
- there is no tracery on the wardrobe's mirrow;
- there is no lower protective panel on Riff.2, Riff.3 and Riff.4, though they must be the same as on Riff.4.

I will try to remedy the defects here in Moscow.

Best regards.

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Italiensk Salve Daniel,
Engelsk Inviting a friend to supper
Tonight, grave sir, both my poor house, and I
Doe equally desire your company;
Not that we think us worthy such a guest,
But that your worth will dignify our feast,
With those that come, whose grace may make that seem
Something, which else could hope for no esteem.
It is the fair acceptance, Sir, creates
The entertainment perfect : not the cates.
Yet shall you have, to rectify your palate,
An olive, capers, or some better salad
Ushering the mutton; with a short-legged hen,
If we can get her, full of eggs, and then,
Lemons, and wine for sauce; to these, a cony
Is not to be despaired of, for our money;
And, though fowl, now, be scarce, yet there are clerks,
The sky not falling, think we may have larks.
I'll tell you of more, and lie, so you will come:
Of partridge, pheasant, wood-cock, of which some
May yet be there; and godwit, if we can;
Knat, rail, and ruff too. Howsoe'er, my man
Shall read a piece of Virgil, Tacitus,
Livy, or of some better book to us,
Of which we'll speak our minds, amidst our meat;
And I'll profess no verses to repeat :
To this, if ought appear, which I not know of,
That will the pastry, not my paper, show of.
Digestive cheese, and fruit there sure will be;
But that, which most doth take my Muse, and me,
Is a pure cup of rich Canary wine,
Which is the Mermaid's, now, but shall be mine;
Of which had Horace, or Anacreon tasted,
Their lives, as doe their lines, till now had lasted.
Tobacco, nectar, or the Thespian spring,
Are all but Luther's beer, to this I sing.
Of this we will sup free, but moderately,
And we will have no Pooley, or Parrot by,
Nor shall our cups make any guilty men;
But, at our parting, we will be, as when
We innocently met. No simple word
That shall be uttered at our mirthful board
Shall make us sad next morning or affright
The liberty, that we'll enjoy tonight.
Ben Jonsons' poetry

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Italiensk Invitando un amico a cena.
Engelsk Message for people who submit translations on the message field
It seems you are submitting translations incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on the blue [b]Translate[/b] button above and write your translation on the page that will appear.

The blank field at the bottom of this page is intended for posting remarkable comments concerning the translation or the original text.

Best regards,
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

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Spansk Mensaje para las personas que envian traducciones en el campo de mensajes
Brasilsk portugisisk Mensagem para pessoas que enviam traduções no campo de mensagens
Fransk Message pour les personnes qui demandent des traductions dans le champ des messages
Serbisk Poruka za korisnike koji postavljaju tekst u polje za poruke
Bulgarsk съобщение за хората,които изпращат превод в полето за съобщения
Italiensk Messaggio per gli utenti che inviano traduzioni nel campo dei messaggi
Norsk Beskjed til folk som legger til oversettelser på forumet
Russisk Message for people who submit translations on the message field
Katalansk Missatge per a les persones que envien traduccions al camp de missatges
Tyrkisk Çeviri Yapanlara Mesaj
Tysk Nachricht für Leute, die eine Übersetzung im Nachrichtenfeld vorlegen
Bosnisk Poruka za one koji podnose prevedene tekstove u polje za poruke
Gresk Φαίνεται πως υποβάλλετε ...
Polsk Wiaomość dla ludzi, którzy oddają tłumaczenia do oceny w polu wiadomości
Svensk Meddelande för personer som översätter i meddelandefältet
Ungarsk Üzenet azon személyek számára, akik fordításokat adnak közre az üzenet mezőben
Arabisk تنبيه للإخوة الذين يكتبون الترجمات في حقل الرسالة
Kinesisk med forenklet 致在信息栏里填写译文的译者
Nederlansk Bericht voor personen die vertalingen indienen op het berichtenveld
Slovakisk Odkaz pre ľudí, ktorí odoslali preklad v odkazovom texte
Dansk Besked til mennesker der sender oversættelser i beskedfeltet
Hebraisk הודעה לאנשים ששולחים תרגומים בשדה ההודעה
Indonesisk Pesan untuk orang yang memasukkan terjemahan pada kolom pesan
Islandsk Skilaboð til þeirra sem biðja um þýðingar í skilaboðasvæðinu
Finsk Ohje
Færøysk Boð til fólk sum bera fram umsetingar á boðstalvuni
Rumensk Mesaj pentru persoanele care înscriu traduceri în câmpul de mesaje
Kroatisk Poruka za osobe koje žele predati tekst za prijevod
Japansk メッセージ欄上で、翻訳を提出する皆さんにメッセージ
Litauisk Neteisingai pateikiate vertimus.
Tsjekkisk Zprava pro uzivatele, co zasilaji preklady z textoveho pole.
Estisk Juhis
Bretonsk Kemadenn d'ar re zo o c'houlenn treuzskrivadurioù war lec'h an treuzskrivadurioù
Frisisk Berjocht foar minsken dy oersettings foarlizzen op 'e berjocht fjild
Albansk Mesazh për personat që paraqesin përkthimet në fushën e mesazheve
Ukrainsk Повідомлення для тих, хто пропонує переклади в полі для повідомлень
Afrikaans Boodskap vir mense wat vertalings in die boodskap veld wil indien
Irske Teachtaireacht do daoine a cuireann isteach aistriú ar an réimse teachtaireacht
Hindi उन लोगों के लिए सूचना जो अनुवाद संदेश क्षेत्र में करते हैं
Persisk پیام برای افرادی که در قسمت پیام، ترجمه تحویل می‌دهند
Thai ข่าวสารสำหรับคนที่ส่งคำแปลในกล่องข้อความ
Makedonsk Македонски
Esperanto Mesaĝo por tiuj, kiuj sendas tradukaĵojn en la mesaĝo-kampo
Italiensk non accontentarti dell'orizzonte....cerca l...
non accontentarti dell'orizzonte....cerca l infinito

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Engelsk Don't be content with the horizon... look for the infinite
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